So it’s been a few weeks since we posted an update. I know you have all been worrying and itchin’ for your next fix of the old Urban Farmhouse. Well here you go!
Last post we talked about the grading that was done to make way for the new foundation. The week after that was all laying cement blocks for the foundation. Now we are starting to see the outline of the new rooms!

We had a whole host of thoughts/emotions/outburts when we saw the foundation laid. Thoughts like: ‘Wow that’s our new house!’, ‘Doesn’t that seem small?’, ‘Size doesn’t matter Lex’. In all seriousness we were concerned about how small the new rooms felt just seeing the foundation (spoiler: again we’re dumb but that’s for a later post…).
Below you can see the foundation for the new master bedroom and some of the master closet (the other half is in the existing room behind that exterior wall). This room is what felt the smallest. We had a moment where we didn’t think our bed would fit, and we’d end up sleeping on a mattress straight on the floor like some 90’s teen… Again, we’re dumb and can’t judge size properly.

Part of our inability to properly judge the size is probably because the exterior walls are still there. Because we are extending the existing rooms part of those rooms are behind those exterior walls. So you aren’t seeing the entirety of the room. The foundation for the new open plan kitchen/great room also felt super tiny.

The only part that made us feel better was seeing the new blocks off the side of the house for widening the kitchen to meet the side of the rest of the house. The kitchen could extend out to the side, but the great room can’t because of the way the property lines juts a couple feet into the backyard. Because of the property line, the great room wall couldn’t line up with the kitchen (the house needs to be set back seven feet from property line).

Thankfully though all our fears were for naught, as we discovered a few days later when they started framing out the new floor and some of the walls, which you will see in the next post.
One last thing as I’m sure you were all worried about it. The dirt pile is much smaller! Yay! Our neighboor came and took about half of it, and may still come and take more.